Tau Zeta Philanthropic Efforts
Tau Zeta supports a variety of causes through fundraising and community service. Each active member is required to participate in 8 hours of community service. The Whitman County Humane Society and Feeding America are the two primary causes that Tau Zeta supports through the philanthropy event, Watermelon Bust and assisting with the Furball Auction.
Watermelon Bust
Watermelon Bust is an annual philanthropy held by the active members of Tau Zeta at the chapter which raises funds and awareness for Feeding America. The philanthropy is hosted in the fall.
Furball is an annual auction that raises funds for the Whitman Country Humane Society in the spring. The men of Tau Zeta assist in the operations of the FurBall Auction and host a variety of events around campus to raise additional funds for the humane society.